<aside> 👉🏻 Version: 0.1 December 2021
<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/d05d3f0f-8559-4f5c-bee7-6bc3c4c28763/lobster-svgrepo-com-4.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/d05d3f0f-8559-4f5c-bee7-6bc3c4c28763/lobster-svgrepo-com-4.png" width="40px" /> Product Lobster
Replace all the above text and images with your company logo, game icon, studio name, personal & contact details etc. Or use it anyway you see fit. Have fun!*
🦞 Hello viewer. During the day I am a professional in the gaming industry. During the night I wear my claws and I become the mighty Product Lobster. This is an attempt to create a living game design document according to the latest hyper-casual game genre needs and particularities.
🦞 Feedback, suggestions, threats, poems, etc. contact me at [email protected] for a fresh lobster every time, subscribe here.
This is where you have to describe your game. Think of it as an elevator pitch. Should not take more than a few sentences or 10-12 seconds to explain.
Remember that your game most likely will be a combination of different game mechanics, try to not overdo it, get creative. An example: